New planet found which may support alien life

Astronomers have identified an extrasolar planet that is a top contender in the hunt for alien life.

Known as a 'super-Earth', the planet Gliese 163c is about 50 light years away and lies just on the edge of its star's habitable zone. It isn't clear if the planet is a rocky world or a small gas giant but at seven times the mass of Earth it is considerably larger than our own terrestrial sphere. There is a small chance that the planet will pass in front of its star from our perspective which would offer scientists the chance to learn more about it.

"There are a wide range of structures and compositions that allow Gliese 163c to be a habitable planet," said astronomer Xavier Bonfils whose team made the discovery.

The Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo keeps a catalog of the alien worlds it considers good candidates to host life. The newly discovered Gliese 163c ranks fifth on the list.