Haunted Places:Island Of Dolls,Mexico(Not American Mexico).

Imagine you decide to take a vacation to Mexico. I do not mean American Mexico, like Cancun, but you actually want to see the real Mexico. You decide to go to Mexico City. While there you decide to take a ferry ride down Xochimico’s canals. The ride is relaxing and you are enjoying the exotic plant life that grows along the banks of the canal. Suddenly you start seeing dolls hanging from the branches of the trees. You eventually see an island and every piece of vegetation has either complete dolls or doll heads hanging from them.

Don Julian was a hermit who lived in a shack located on the island. He claimed that the ghost of a young girl who drowned in the canal haunted him. To appease her angry spirit, Julian began collecting baby dolls and hanging them from the trees for her to play with. In 2001, Julian was found dead by his nephew. He had drowned in the same canal as the girl who tormented him through out his life.

Tourists who visit the island today claim to hear the dolls whispering and some of the dolls open and shut their eyes on their own accord. The island has been featured on the Syfy Channel show Destination Truth, in which a paranormal investigating team spent the night on the island. They had a terrifying experience, seeing apparitions, feeling inexplicable paranoia, and hearing disembodied voices.